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SCP 2019 冬令营如期而至!

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SCP 2019 冬令营


SCP 2019 Winter

Camp is Coming!

Dec.16-Dec.20 2019

Jan.13-Jan.17 2020

Jan.20-Jan.24 2020


Though winter came early this year, the cold weather did not stop the enthusiastic students from coding knowledge learning. To satisfy the young coding fans, SCP winter camp is coming as expected. This year, we provide several time slots to meet the needs of both international and public schools. As long as you want to learn the real computer coding class, you could sign up now!


Winter Camp Curriculum




Guanghualu Campus


Building 1, No. 15 Guanghua Road, 

Chaoyang District, Beijing


Dulwich College Beijing


 89 Capital Airport Road, Shunyi District, Beijing


Registration Policy

  • 11月22日前报名交费享受早鸟价立减500元

    Early bird price: RMB 500 off if registered and paid before  November 22

  • 3人以上(含3人)团购每人立减500元.

    Group purchuse of 3 students or above: RMB 500 off for each student. 


Courses offered for 

SCP 2019 Winter Camp include:

Creative Computing-

Scratch Basic


Scratch为孩子们开启了冲动人心的编程世界。Scratch不只仅是一个软件,它是更普及的教育使命的组成局部。“我们应用Scratch设计的小递次可以辅佐年白叟在快速展开的社会中更好地保存。”年白叟学习Scratch,不只是学习如何编写计算机递次, 他们还学会创造性地思考、系统地推理和如何举行团队协作 。这是在当今社会取得成功和幸福生活的基本技艺。

Scratch opens up an exciting world of computer programming for kids and other beginning programmers. Scratch is more than a piece of software. It is part of a broader educational mission. "We designed small projects in Scratch to help young people prepare for life in today’s fast-changing society." As young people create Scratch projects, they are not just learning how to write computer programs. They are also learning to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively —essential skills for success and happiness in today’s world.


Upon completion of this course you will be able to identify the features of the Scratch interface and the reasons these features are used in programming. You will learn important computational skills and concepts that will be of help when solving programming problems. You will be able to analyze systematically and collaborate effectively when designing a prototype for a project.It will help a student to develop a good level of fluency with digital technology through Scratch learning, thus laying solid foundation for students' further programming language learning. 



Adventures in Minecraft-

3D Game Design Basic


Adventures in Minecraft-3D Game Design Basic is a collaborative course focused on using Minecraft as a game engine. Students will use the program, alongside third party software, to design and build self-contained games known as "Advanture Maps". This course not only practise students' logical thinking ability, improve their space imagination, strengthen their design ability and creativity through coding learning, but also dig further their potentials of being a team leader, programmer, architecture, and learn how to work collaboratively with others, hence enabling them to tackle similar real world problems in future.



Adventures in Minecraft-

3D Game Design Intermediate


Children who have already studied the 3D Game Design Basic Course can further learn 3D game design through the intermediate course. Through taking intermediate course,  students will be more familiar with the use of course software, dig further about commands blocks and programming skills, know more about the concept of 3D game design. Furthermore, students could practise their logical thinking ability, improve their space imagination, strengthen their design and creating ability, then create their own Minecraft world!


Introduction to Arduino


Upon completion of this course, students will be able to choose correctly the required components and build a simple electronic circuit. In addition, students will have a fundamental background about Arduino microcontrollers  and its ports. They will understand the electrical sensing approach, and they will be able to use different kind of sensors in their circuits with Arduino to collect data and sense the surrounding environment, such as temperature, humidity, and light. Also, they build a basic knowledge about the infrared wireless communication and remote control application based on Arduino, such as remote control a DC motors, fans, cars with a simple moving program.


In all, Arduino is a very practical and fun course to learn. It not only enhances the students' capabilities, but also helps greatly in students' school subject learning like physics and math, etc. 


SCP VIP one on one class




When to Choose SCP One on One: 

1.Camp class is not open at students' preferred date;

2.Students want to learn a special computer language that the camp class is not offering.



SCP VIP One on One Class Contents:

SCP VIP One on One class contents are tailor-made for students' needs. besides the above courses, students could choose other programming languages,eg. html, Java or combination of languages to learn.



SCP VIP One on One Pricing:

Based on instructors’ background, teaching experiences, difficulty level of computer language and hours purchased, the hourly price ranges from RMB 600-1200, respectively.


If you are interested in SCP VIP one on one class, please contact us in advance!


In addition to SCP's three popular courses, we also offer our newly designed course, Introduction to Arduino, which has been well-received ever since launched!  Therefore, come join SCP's happy coding family!


Finally, let's enjoy the great SCP student work of previous camps!



或许点击 “阅读原文” 网上报名!

So why wait up? Register now!

You could either call the below contact number 

or click the "阅读原文" button 

to register for Winter Camp!

Contact Us

Tel 咨询德律风: 

+86 18500933181

E-mail 邮箱: 


Website 网址: 


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